CBD is quickly becoming a leading natural remedy for pain and inflammation in the health world. The hemp-derived oil, which is 100% legal in most states if the THC content is under .03%, is being used in a variety of ways to relieve pain and inflammation, help with anxiety and depression, and plethora of other ailments, including skin conditions or acne. Many people become confused about the separation of hemp and marijuana – they are just learning that the parent plant, Cannabis Sativa, has different sub-plants, not just marijuana. Although both hemp and marijuana have THC or tetrahyrocannabinol, which is the active ingredient that creates the psychoactive reaction in the mind, hemp has way less, and can be bred to have almost no THC. Some CBD companies strive for a NO THC product, due to stringent laws, so they isolate the CBD, to insure that the CBD is as pure as possible. Some companies say no THC but their product does contain THC, just under the legal limit. Please check the lab testing results if you need to be THC free. THC does have some positive impacts on the body, particularly medicinal benefits, but until it is legal everywhere, companies are striving to make great products using the other extremely important compound found in cannabis [CBD] – a compound that is renewing people’s lives!
CBD products are a natural way to reduce pain and inflammation without having to take pharmaceutical drugs. CBD has been shown to reduce inflammation and pain according to a studies in the Journal of Experimental Medicine. This occurs when the cannabinoid, a naturally occurring chemical found in the cannabis plant, encourages the receptors in the brain to receive different chemical signals. This stimulates the body to reduce inflammation and manage pain. Many people have used CBD oil to reduce chronic inflammation, arthritis, and back pain. It can also help with more significant pain like the pain associated with multiple sclerosis and cancer treatment. According to the studies, using the oil to manage pain and inflammation does not have any adverse side effects.

CBD oil, CBD gummies – well just CBD in general really – is considered a natural antioxidant that helps the body repair cells and molecules that have been damaged by free radicals in the body. When free radicals enter the body through the environment, pollutants, and UV rays, it can compromise the body’s immune system. The body loses its ability to detoxify itself efficiently and can increase the risk of infection. Using a natural antioxidant like a hemp-derived, no THC, CBD sublingual oil can help the body protect itself from free radicals and oxidative stress. When free radicals are reduced, it helps the immune system become stronger while simultaneously reducing signs of aging. Antioxidants can also help keep the brain to fire on all cylinders. The brain is particularly susceptible to destruction from these free radicals because they damage the neurotransmitters and synapses. CBD can activate the neurotransmitters, helping the body protect itself against neurodegenerative diseases. Cannabinoids play an important role in regulating the immune system and they activate your own healing abilities – your internal Super Power!